
I am an Associate Professor at the Department of Economics of McMaster University.  I serve as Associate Chair of the Department for the period 2021-2027.

I am also the Placement Director for the years 2023-2025: check out our job market candidates this year!

My SSRN page is here. My Google Scholar page is here.

Work in progress and working papers

∙ Improving Applied General Equilibrium Models of Trade Liberalization (with T. J. Kehoe, J. Rossbach, and K. J. Ruhl).

∙ Non-Homothetic Ricardo (with O. Loertscher and W. Steingress).


The Cost of Trade Disruptions at Different Stages of Development (with J. C. Conesa, M. J. Delventhal, and G. Raveendranathan), International Economic Review, vol.  65(3), August 2024, 1133-1161.
SSRN link
Media: NadaEsGratis

Canadian Productivity Growth: Stuck in the Oil Sands (with O. Loertscher), Canadian Journal of Economics, vol. 57(2), May 2024, 478-501.
SSRN link
Media: Globe and Mail, Globe and Mail (II), The Hub, TVO, Brighter World, Worthwile Canadian Initiative, NadaEsGratis, Canadian Tax Foundation, National Observer, Spotify

The Neoclassical Growth Model and the Labor Share Decline (with Z. L. Mahone and J. Naval), The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics, vol. 21(2), June 2021, 607-628.
SSRN link

Gains from Trade with Variable Trade Elasticities (with W. J. Brooks), International Economic Review, vol. 60(4), November 2019, 1619-1646.
SSRN link

Trade Liberalization and Firm Productivity: Estimation Methods Matter (with J. M. Kealey and C. Sosa-Padilla), Economic Inquiry, vol. 57(3), July 2019, 1272-1283.
SSRN link

The Curious Incident of Luxury Imports during the Top-Income Surge (with S. Houle and M. R. Veall), Economics Bulletin, vol. 39(2), June 2019, 1479-1487.
SSRN link

The Canadian Productivity Stagnation, 2002-2014 (with J. C. Conesa), Canadian Journal of Economics, vol. 52(2), May 2019, 561-583.
SSRN link

Media: National Observer

Capital Accumulation and the Welfare Gains from Trade (with W. J. Brooks), Economic Theory, vol. 66(2), August 2018, 491-523.
SSRN link

Quantitative Trade Models: Developments and Challenges (with T. J. Kehoe and J. Rossbach), Annual Review of Economics, vol. 9, August 2017, 295-325.
SSRN link
Media: NadaEsGratis, FocoEconomico

Fiscal Discipline and Defaults (with G. Fernandez de Cordoba and J. L. Torres), Review of Economic Dynamics, vol. 24, March 2017, 1-13 (lead article).
SSRN link

The Opportunity Costs of Entrepreneurs in International Trade (with T. J. Kehoe and K. J. Ruhl), Economics Letters, vol. 146, September 2016, 1-3.
SSRN link

∙ Policy Distortions and Aggregate Productivity: the Role of Idiosyncratic Shocks (with J. M. Da-Rocha), The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics, 11(1), Topics, 35, 2011.
SSRN link

In Spanish

Eficiencia y Equilibrio en un Modelo de Formación de Derechos de Propiedad (with J. M. Da-Rocha and J. Sempere), El Trimestre Económico, vol. LXXXI (3), núm. 323, julio-septiembre, 2014, 579-593.
IDEAS link

Not peer-reviewed

Improving the Analysis of Trade Policy (with T. J. Kehoe and J. Rossbach), Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Economic Policy Paper, 18-1, January 2018.
SSRN link

Dormant papers

Optimal Design and Quantitative Evaluation of the Minimum Wage (with Z. L. Mahone).

Technical Appendix

∙ Calculating the Equilibria of Heterogeneous-Firm Trade Models (with T. J. Kehoe and K. J. Ruhl).

(Co-)organization of conferences and visits

Inaugural Canadian International Trade Study Group, 2024

The Mini-conference on Productivity, 2024

The 2024 Jamboree 

A Conference in Honor of Tim Kehoe, 2023

∙ 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2022 Productivity, Aggregate Efficiency and Labor: Latest Advances (a.k.a. "The P.A.E.L.L.A. workshop")

2017, 2018, 2019 Annual Workshop of South Ontario Macro Economists (a.k.a "The A.W.S.O.M.E. conference")

2016 Junior Faculty Workshop

2015 Workshop in International Economics

2014 Canadian Macroeconomics Study Group

List of people invited to give a talk at Mac


1280 Main Street West
KTH 419 McMaster University
Hamilton, Ontario
Canada L8S 4M4

Phone: +1 905 525-9140 ext. 23819

E-mail: pujolasp [at] mcmaster.ca