Invited people

· 2025: Nicolas Vincent (Bank of Canada) to talk about "Behind the Bank" with graduate and advanced undergraduate students, Andrii Parkhomenko (USC). 

· 2024: Tim Kehoe (Minnesota) and Juan Pablo Nicolini (Minneapolis Fed) to present the book "A Monetary and Fiscal Theory of Latin America, 1960-2017," Kim Ruhl (Wisconsin), Shahar Rotberg (CMHC), Ayse Okten Imrohoroglu (USC, as the Hooker Distinguished Visiting Professor).

· 2023: Baxter Robinson (Western), Pamela Medina Quispe (Rotman), Juan Carlos Conesa (Stony Brook), Jacob Wright (Minnesota), Juliana Gamboa (Minnesota), Andrew Dickens (Brock).

· 2022: Sergio Ocampo (Western), Julieta Caunedo (Rotman), Michael Boutros (Bank of Canada), Hyunju Lee (Toronto Metropolitan), Maria Jose Carreras (Purdue), Jordi Mondria (Toronto).

· 2021: Shahar Rotberg (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp.), Walter Steingress (Bank of Canada), Markus Lampe (Vienna University), Vellore Arthi (UC-Irvine).

· 2019: Xue Bai (Brock), Arpad Abraham (EUI), Halis Murat Yildiz (Ryerson), Joe Steinberg (Toronto), George Alessandria (Rochester), Paul Missios (Ryerson).

· 2018: Aaron Hedlund (Missouri), Sewon Hur (Pittsburgh), Juan Carlos Conesa (Stony Brook), Eugene Beaulieu (Calgary), Christos Shiamptanis (Laurier), Peter Morrow (Toronto), Clara Santamaria (CEMFI), Richard Chisik (Ryerson).

· 2017: Javier Fernandez-Blanco (Autonoma Barcelona), Joel Wagner (Bank of Canada), Joaquin Naval (Girona), Christopher Rauh (Montreal).

· 2016: José-Víctor Ríos-Rull (Penn, as the Hooker Distinguished Visiting Professor), Matt Delventhal (Autonoma de Barcelona), Amanda Michaud (Indiana, Bloomington), Patricia Gomez (Fordham), Jack Rossbach (SUNY-Albany), Brian McCaig (Laurier), Claustre Bajona (Ryerson), Matthew Doyle (Waterloo), Enoch Hill (Wheaton College), Sonja Chen (Waterloo).

· 2015: Zachary Mahone (Minnesota), Kevin Donovan (Notre Dame), Joel Blit (Waterloo), Jan Grobovsek (Edinburgh), Stefano Gnocchi (Bank of Canada), Derek Stacey (Ryerson), German Pupato (Ryerson), David Wiczer (St. Louis Fed).

· 2014: Ram Acharya (Industry Canada), Francisco Gonzalez (Waterloo), Sevi Rodriguez-Mora (Edinburgh), Juan Carlos Conesa (Stony Brook), Joe Steinberg (Toronto), Tasso Adamopoulos (York), Fernando Leibovici (York).

· 2013: Timothy Kehoe (Minnesota), Wyatt Brooks (Notre Dame).