Curriculum Vitae
[click here for a .pdf copy of my cv]
McMaster University, KTH-419
1280 Main Street West
Hamilton, Ontario
Canada L8S 4M4
Phone: +1 905 525 9140 ext. 23819
Citizenship: Canadian, Spanish
2013: Ph.D. Economics, IDEA, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
2010: M.A. Economics, IDEA, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
2008: B.A. Economics, Universitat Pompeu Fabra.
2020 - present, Associate Professor, McMaster University.
2020 - 2021, Resident Academic, Bank of Canada.
2013 - 2020, Assistant Professor, McMaster University.
∙ The Cost of Trade Disruptions at Different Stages of Development (with J. C. Conesa, M. J. Delventhal, and G. Raveendranathan), International Economic Review, vol. 65(3), August 2024, 1133-1161.
∙ Canadian Productivity Growth: Stuck in the Oil Sands (with O. Loertscher), Canadian Journal of Economics, vol. 57(2), May 2024, 478-501.
∙ The Neoclassical Growth Model and the Labor Share Decline (with Z. L. Mahone and J. Naval), The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics, vol. 21(2) (Contributions), June 2021, 607-628.
∙ Gains from Trade with Variable Trade Elasticities (with W. J. Brooks), International Economic Review, vol. 60(4), November 2019, 1619-1646.
∙ Trade Liberalization and Firm Productivity: Estimation Methods Matter (with J. M. Kealey and C. Sosa-Padilla), Economic Inquiry, vol. 57(3), July 2019, 1272-1283.
∙ The Curious Incident of Luxury Imports during the Top-Income Surge (with S. Houle and M. R. Veall), Economics Bulletin, vol. 39(2), June 2019, 1479-1487.
∙ The Canadian Productivity Stagnation, 2002-2014 (with J. C. Conesa), Canadian Journal of Economics, vol. 52(2), May 2019, 561-583.
∙ Capital Accumulation and the Welfare Gains from Trade (with W. J. Brooks), Economic Theory, vol. 66(2), August 2018, 491-523.
∙ Quantitative Trade Models: Developments and Challenges (with T. J. Kehoe and J. Rossbach), Annual Review of Economics, vol. 9, August 2017, 295-325.
∙ Fiscal Discipline and Defaults (with G. Fernandez de Cordoba and J. L. Torres), Review of Economic Dynamics, vol. 24, March 2017, 1-13 (lead article).
∙ The Opportunity Costs of Entrepreneurs in International Trade (with T. J. Kehoe and K. J. Ruhl), Economics Letters, vol. 146, September 2016, 1-3.
∙ Policy Distortions and Aggregate Productivity: the Role of Idiosyncratic Shocks (with J. M. Da-Rocha), The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics, vol. 11 (Topics), Article 35, 2011.
In Spanish
∙ Eficiencia y Equilibrio en un Modelo de Formación de Derechos de Propiedad (with J. M. Da-Rocha and J. Sempere), El Trimestre Económico, vol. LXXXI (3), núm. 323, julio-septiembre, 2014, 579-593.
Not peer-reviewed
∙ Improving the Analysis of Trade Policy (with T. J. Kehoe and J. Rossbach), Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Economic Policy Paper, 18-1, January 2018.
∙ 2024: Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory (Santiago de Chile), University of Waterloo, Bank of Canada’s Productivity Conference (Ottawa), Canadian Economic Association (Toronto), Universitat de Girona.
∙ 2023: AWSOME (Hamilton), A Conference in Honor of Tim Kehoe (Minneapolis), Canadian Economic Association (Winnipeg), Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory (Paris).
∙ 2022: Canadian Economic Association (Ottawa), University of Guelph.
∙ 2021: Fordham University (virtual), Simposio de la Asociación Española de Economía (Barcelona).
∙ 2020: Ontario Ministry of Finance (Toronto).
∙ 2019: V Winter Macroeconomics Workshop in Bellaterra, Midwest Macroeconomics Group (Atlanta), Canadian Economic Association (Banff), Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory (Ischia), University of Waterloo, University of Toronto, II Workshop of the Spanish Macroeconomics Network (Bellaterra), University of Guelph.
∙ 2018: University of Wilfrid Laurier (Waterloo), University of Georgetown - Qatar, Canadian Economic Association Meetings (Montreal), University of Edinburgh, "Productivity, Aggregate Efficiency and Labor: Latest Advances" (Notre Dame), Brock University (St. Catherine's), Bank of Canada (Ottawa), Universitat de Barcelona, Simposio de la Asociación Española de Economía (Madrid).
∙ 2017: University of Calgary, Bank of Canada (Ottawa), Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory (Faro), Society of Economic Dynamics (Edinburgh), University of Guelph, Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
∙ 2016: Universitat de Girona, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, "Productivity, Aggregate Efficiency and Labor: Latest Advances" (Notre Dame), University of Windsor, Western University (London), Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (CDMX), Banco de México (CDMX), Simposio de la Asociación Española de Economía (Bilbao).
∙ 2015: Michigan State University (East Lansing), Stony Brook University, Universidad de Murcia, Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory (Cambridge).
∙ 2014: Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory (Tokyo), Brock University (St. Catherine's), University of Waterloo, Ryerson University (Toronto).
∙ 2013: McMaster University (Hamilton), University of Missouri (Columbia), University of Konstanz, University of Mannheim, LMU Munich, Barcelona GSE Forum, York University (Toronto).
∙ 2012: ENTER Jamboree (Tilburg), XVII Workshop on Dynamic Macroeconomics (Soutomaior), European Winter Meeting of the Econometric Society (Konztanz), Simposio de la Asociación Española de Economía (Vigo).
∙ 2011: Universidade de Vigo, XVI Workshop on Dynamic Macroeconomics (Soutomaior), European Workshop on General Equilibrium Theory (Bayona).
∙ "Uncertainty Estimation of ENERGY 2020 GHG Emission Projection," by Laferriere, Young and Wang, CEA meetings, Winnipeg, 2023.
∙ "International R&D Spillovers and Asset Prices," by Santacreu and Gavazzoni, CMSG, Montreal, 2015.
∙ "Access to Intermediate Inputs: Costs, Variety and Quality Impacts," by Lileeva and Trefler, CEA meetings, Toronto, 2015.
∙ "Quality Upgrading and Price Heterogeneity: Evidence from Brazilian Manufacturing Exporters," by Flach, ENTER Jamboree, Tilburg, 2011.
Referee for
American Economic Review: Insights, B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics, Canadian Journal of Economics, Economic Inquiry, Economic Journal, Economic Theory, Economica, Economics Letters, Empirical Economics, IMF Economic Review, Insight Grant for the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, International Economic Review, Journal of Applied Economics, Journal of International Economics, Journal of International Trade and Economic Development, Macroeconomic Dynamics, Nature Communications, Review of Economic Dynamics, Review of International Economics, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, SERIEs, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics.
Graduate supervision
∙ Oliver Loertscher, McMaster, expected 2025, with Brueggemann, Mahone, Raveendranathan. Placement and current job: Conference Board of Canada.
∙ Thomas Palmer, McMaster, 2024, with Brueggemann, Mahone, Raveendranathan. Placement and current job: MNP.
∙ Stephanie Houle, McMaster, 2018, with Veall, Raveendranathan. Placement: Statistics Canada. Current job: Bank of Canada.
∙ Ramses Y. Armendáriz, Minnesota, 2016, with Kehoe. Placement: Monmouth College. Current job: UI at Urbana-Champaign.
Committee member:
∙ Shunzhe Zhong, McMaster, expected 2027, with Johri, Raveendranathan.
∙ Phebeena Smith, McMaster, expected 2027, with Letendre, Raveendranathan, Mahone.
∙ Johnny Cotoc, McMaster, expected 2026, with Johri, Raveendranathan. Placement: Aviel Solutions.
∙ Muhebullah Karimzada, McMaster, 2023, with Johri, Letendre. Placement: Instructor at University of Waterloo and University of Toronto, Scarborough.
∙ Md. Mahbubur Rahman, McMaster, 2019, with Johri, Letendre. Placement: Statistics Canada.
∙ Terry Yip, McMaster, 2018, with Johri, Letendre. Placement: Research Coordinator at McMaster.
∙ John M. Kealey, McMaster, 2016, with Racine, Sosa-Padilla.
External examiner:
∙ Francisco Adame (Western), 2021.
Chair of the Thesis Defense:
∙ Farzana Alamgir (advisor: Johri), 2024.
∙ Karen Ugarte Bravo (advisor: Racine), 2022.
∙ Sean Sexton (advisor: Racine), 2022.
∙ Camille Simardone (advisor: Racine), 2021.
Conference and workshop organization
∙ Inaugural Canadian International Trade Study Group, 2024, Burlington, ON.
∙ The 2024 Jamboree, McMaster University, 2024, Hamilton, ON.
∙ Mini-conference on Productivity, McMaster University, 2024, Hamilton, ON.
∙ Presentation of the book "A Monetary and Fiscal Theory of Latin America, 1960-2017," by Kehoe and Nicolini, McMaster University, 2024, Hamilton, ON.
∙ A Conference in Honor of Tim Kehoe, University of Minnesota, 2023, Minneapolis, MN.
∙ Scientific Committee of Simposio Asociación Española de Economía (SAE), 2021, Barcelona.
∙ Annual Workshop of South Ontario Macro Economists, McMaster University, 2017, 2018, 2019 Hamilton, ON.
∙ Junior Faculty Workshop at McMaster, McMaster University, 2016, Hamilton, ON.
∙ Workshop on International Economics, McMaster University, 2015, Hamilton, ON.
∙ Canadian Macroeconomics Study Group meetings, McMaster University, 2014, Hamilton, ON.
∙ Productivity, Aggregate Efficiency and Labor: Latest Advances, University of Notre Dame, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2022, South Bend, IN.
Opinion pieces and similar
∙ Guerras y Déficits en Comercio Internacional (with J. Rossbach), Nada es Gratis, January 28th, 2025.
∙ The Canadian economy is not as doomed as some people think, Canada's National Observer, August 23rd, 2024.
∙ Canada's productivity problem isn't that big if we exclude oil (with O. Loertscher), Globe and Mail, August 12th, 2024.
∙ Paremos la locura anti-comercial (o un elogio a la macroeconomía cuantitativa), Nada es Gratis, February 5th, 2024.
∙ Productividad y Petróleo, Nada es Gratis, November 3rd, 2023.
∙ Cuñadismo estilizado (sobre la fracción del PIB que se llevan los trabajadores), Nada es Gratis, December 26th, 2017.
∙ Predecir el impacto de comercio sobre las industrias de un país: no lo hacemos bien, pero podemos mejorar (with T. J. Kehoe and J. Rossbach), Nada es Gratis, May 18th, 2017.
∙ No tenemos buenos modelos para predecir el impacto del proteccionismo (with T. J. Kehoe and J. Rossbach), Foco Económico, May 2nd, 2017.
McMaster University, Department of Economics
∙ International Trade, Development and Investment (751) Fall 2016, 2017, 2021, 2022, 2024, Winter 2016, Spring 2024, and joint with Demidova Fall 2013.
∙ Work Integrated Learning II (797) Winter 2024, 2025.
∙ Work Integrated Learning I (796) Fall 2023, 2024.
∙ Macroeconomic Theory I (723) Fall 2023, 2024, and joint with Letendre Fall 2021, 2022.
∙ Mathematical Methods (765, joint with Han/Cuff) Summer 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024.
∙ International Trade (3HH3) Fall 2014, 2018 (x2), 2019, Winter 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, Spring 2023.
∙ Special course in Advanced Macroeconomics (700) Spring 2020, Winter 2023, and joint with Raveendranathan, Mahone, Johri Winter 2022.
∙ Macroeconomics and Monetary Economics (742) Fall 2019, and joint with Johri Fall 2013, 2022, Winter 2016, 2022.
∙ Macroeconomic Theory II (724) joint with Letendre Winter 2022.
∙ Economics Specialist Seminar (4AA3) Winter 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020.
∙ Advanced Economic Theory II (4TT3) Winter 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020.
∙ Honours Seminar in Economics (4A03) Winter 2016.
∙ Topics in International Economics (753) joint with Demidova Winter 2014.
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Teaching Assistant)
∙ Macroeconomics II (Graduate), Spring 2012.
∙ Macroeconomics (Undergraduate), Spring 2012.
∙ Dynamic General Equilibrium Macroeconomics (Graduate), Fall 2012.
∙ Advanced Macroeconomics II (Undergraduate), Spring 2010 and Spring 2011.
∙ Macroeconomics I (Graduate), Fall 2010.
∙ Econometrics (Undergraduate), Fall 2009.
Other institutions
∙ Computation II (Master), Spring 2012. Barcelona Graduate School of Economics (Lecturer).
∙ International Economics (Master), Fall 2009. Institut de Barcelona d'Estudis Internacionals (Teaching Assistant).
∙ Microeconomics II (Undergraduate), Spring 2008. Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Department of Economics and Business (Teaching Assistant).
Research Grants
∙ Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Insight Grant, 2024-2027. Principal Investigator: myself. Co-PI: Brüggemann. $84,858.
∙ Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Insight Grant, 2021-2024. Principal Investigator: myself. Collaborators: Kehoe, Rossbach and Ruhl. $84,636.
∙ Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Insight Grant, 2018-2021. Principal Investigator: myself. Co-PIs: Brüggemann and Mahone. Collaborators: Conesa and Naval. $82,422.
∙ Partnership to Study Productivity, Firms and Incomes as supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, 2016-2022. Principal Investigator: Veall. Co-PIs: 17 investigators including myself. $2,495,000.
∙ McMaster Incentive Grant, 2015. $5,000.
∙ Economic Department Internal Grant to fund a Research Assistant, Summer 2014. Principal Investigators: Sosa-Padilla and myself. Position given to Kealey.
∙ Arts Research Board, New Research Grant, 2013. $4,900.
∙ Fellowship Formación de Personal Investigador, Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad, 2009-2013.
∙ Fellowship Formació de Personal Investigador, UAB, 2008-2009.
Awards, Honours & Fellowships
∙ Early Career Researcher Award, McMaster University, 2019.
∙ MacCaLM Visiting Fellow, University of Edinburgh, 2018.
∙ Keynote Lecture at Barcelona Graduate School of Economics Jamboree, 2016.
∙ Workshop Prize, XVI Workshop on Dynamic Macroeconomics, 2011.
∙ Urrutia Elejalde Foundation Award for Excellence in Doctoral Studies, 2010.
∙ Proves Cangur 11th position, Societat Catalana de Matemàtiques, 2004.
∙ First Prize in Social Sciences Research, Universitat Abat Oliba, 2004.
∙ Proves Cangur 2nd position, Societat Catalana de Matemàtiques, 2003.
Administrative Responsibilities at McMaster University
Department of Economics
∙ Associate Chair, 2021-2025.
∙ Placement Officer, 2023-2025.
∙ Hiring Committee, 2020-2024.
∙ Graduate Studies Committee, 2018-2020.
∙ Advisory Member of the Hiring Committee, 2016-2018.
∙ Research Committee, 2014-2018.
∙ Website Committee, 2016-2017.
Other than the Department of Economics
∙ Senate, 2022-2024.
∙ Equity, Diversity and Inclusion member of the Hiring Committee, Department of Anthropology, McMaster University, 2022-2023, Assistant Professor position.
∙ Equity, Diversity and Inclusion member of the Hiring Committee, Department of Anthropology, McMaster University, 2022, CLA position.
∙ Chair of Thesis Defence for Michelle Cadieux, Department of Psychology, 2013.
∙ Chair of Thesis Defence for Derek Chu, Department of Medical Sciences, 2013.
∙ Member of the Board of Directors of the McMaster Children's Centre, 2023, 2024.
∙ Reviewer for University of Guelph Cyclical Program Review, Department of Economics and Finance (joint with Maria Gallego, Wilfrid Laurier University), 2022.
∙ Presenter at the Faculty of Social Sciences 50th Anniversary, 2018, McMaster University.
∙ Panelist: Ontario Ministry of Finance CEA Panel, 2018, Montreal.
∙ Translation into Catalan and into Spanish of "Fiscal policy in the EMU" by Evi Pappa. Opuscles del CREI, 2012.
∙ Languages: Catalan (Native), Spanish (Native), English (Fluent), French (Intermediate).